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[List Admin] Re: Dot Org down?
>Since about ten last night I have not been able to get onto the
>site. Anybody else experiencing this?
Yes, the person that has my machine which hosts scirocco.org went out
of town on Monday.
Naturally, something happened within minutes, while it ran fine for
40+ days prior to this.
This is a temporary situation until my house is built (I've been
delayed in building due to
local politics). After I'm able to locally host the machine again, I
seriously doubt we'll
face any situations like this again (believe me, just about the
*only* time things go
wrong is when I cannot fix it due to some level of access restriction
- physical or
by permission). Yes, it's frustrating...especially for myself
knowing that I could
probably fix the situation in about 10 minutes... :/
There are those among you that are probably wondering why I haven't
taken you up
on your mirroring offers at this point... :-) It's mostly because of
the administrative
overhead and being faced (again) with the inability to fix things
that are beyond my
control...there are several other reason too...
So, final words...just hang out until my friend gets back into town
this weekend and
then we'll be back on the air.