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Was 16V for sale-Deede. Now, Mk1, Mk2, Rabbit is stronger forpower...

> From: "Dave Ewing" <MK1Scirocco16v@comcast.net>
> Date: 2004/06/11 Fri AM 02:28:44 EDT
> To: "Scirocco-L@Scirocco.Org" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Subject: RE: '88 16v, damaged, for sale
> And you want to do this with an MK2?  Aren't you asking for trouble?  I have
> always been afraid of doing anything major to an MK2 due to the frontend
> cracking and all.  I've always liked the Mk1s for serious hp and torque but
> even they have their limits.  No offense, I realize where I am, but it seems
> that the Rabbit seems to take more frame tweaking hp than most all VWs
> unless you do some serious tubing or bracing.  I'm just curious as I always
> seem to run accross free Mk2s.
> Dave

I disagree.  My first GTI, I broke Rad support.  Granted, it was my first VW, and I abused it badly, however, I think all of these cars are potentially weak up front with added power.  Why?  For the simple reason that they were never designed to take it.  However, there is an easy answer to fix the trouble; a front-end reinforcement.  On Vortex, there is a fella on the Scirocco Forum (IIRC) that came up with a reinforcement to try to minimize this problem.  All who bought it said that they could feel the difference in driving (yes I know, not scientific, but give me a break).  I do agree that the Scirocco seems more prone to this, but it can happen in the Rabbit as well.  I am working with a friend here who is fashoining a few of these.  I will need two.  :-)  (GTI, and pickup)...



  David Utley

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