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Drew MacPherson wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Julie Macfarlane wrote:
>>Diesel and MAC?
>>How could such a nice man go soooo far astray?
> I long ago saw the err of my ways, and moved into the realm of free
> *nixes. Of course, a brand spanking new G5 on my desk would tickle me ten
> shades of pink.
> Drew
Stop it, Stop It!
1st you taunt us with talk of Computer Hardware, then you prod us with
a count down to Cincy 200FIVE and now you name-drop G5s and everything.
(And then there is EricS. The fiend.)
Oh the pain, the pain. <sniff> <sniff>
My AMD PC only goes to 900MHz. :[
Mac SE? yep, gottem. Non SEs too. In fact let me go look at what that
thing is in the corner staring at me...
It's a Power Mac 6100/60! Wow, just imagine the Horsepower!
Whaaaaa! I want some cool Sun, Indigo, Steve Jobs Titanium Cube
My brother came by to get a copy of OS 7.6
- for a Mac IIvx. :]
- Follow-Ups:
- Regret
- From: neptunonc at yahoo.com (Neptuno)
- References:
- Regret
- From: drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (Drew MacPherson)