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This lurker will not be making it to Cincy + Cincy top ten!!!
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Leach, Michael wrote:
> Not that most of you care that I am not going but I thought I would pollute the list with an OT post. After 5 Cincy trips in a row I will me missing this weekend in favor of spending the weekend alone with my youngest. My wife is going out of town for a convention and that leaves me with Cooper. I could have drove him up to Rochester for my sister-in-law to baby-sit but decided that a weekend alone with the boy is the right DAD thing to do. It was a very hard decision to make but the boy won out......the saved money is a benefit also. I guess you will have to deal with one less red Scirocco this weekend. My only real fear is that Frank may feel a little alone or that this becomes a trend and I do not make it next year. Wish me luck!!!
> Top Ten (or eleven) things I will miss (not in any exact order)
> Sitting in Dauns garage early Friday afternoon watching everyone drive in (usually in the rain)
> Filling pot holes in the driveway with Ben Harder
> Watching Brian McGarvey fix others peoples cars and sell his S&$#
I might be going on strike... riight.. selling stuff, well ok, I'll bring
some stuff, but not all of it.
> Waking up early to see the left over carnage in the lawn
> Saturday night movies
> Listening to everyone speed off away from his house all day long
> Saturday afternoon picture time with spider-Ben on the tower
> Twisty Wilmington country roads!!
> Whatever custom vehicle the Snows bring from FL
> The GRM 2004 CAR!!!!
There will be plenty of pics...
> Camissa's stories
> It sucks but oh well......have a good time guys. Watch out for Frank and I guess you are all safe from Josh now!!
> Michael Leach
> MH-60R Integration and Test
> Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
> Owego, NY 13827
> 607-751-7542
> FAX 751-6198
> michael.leach@lmco.com <mailto:michael.leach@lmco.com>
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