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ETKA lookup - please help QUICK!
I'm not much of an 8Ver of late, but I can't remember those things if I was. Leastaways, not CIS,
only CIS-E.
Here are the PNs for a 16V, FWIW:
035 133 557 o-ring
035 133 554 plastic tubey thingie
But somehow I don't think this is what you need, and too late anyways...
--- Mark <mardak@cogeco.ca> wrote:
> Hi guys, I'm trying to find the plastic tubey thingies that sit below
> the fuel injector bosses in ETKA, and I can't find them. This is for an
> 85 Scirocco, JH head, air shrouded injectors. All it shows (to me) is
> the injector and the "insert", which I assume is the boss (034 133 557
> E). Anyone help me out here quick! Sean needs to order these within
> two hours to get them tomorrow...
> Oh ya, the Bentley also shows another o-ring BELOW this plastic tubey
> thingy. I'll need a part number for that as well...
> Thanks!!!
> Mark.
> 75
> 77
> 80 S
> 81
> 81 S 2.0 ABA/JH/4K
> ---
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