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It's Alive. Need parts! - Retrofit Pedal Bushing
Kyscirocco@aol.com wrote:
> Today was a good day. The 81 ran for the first time since I've had it. The
> previous owner told me it needed a fuel pump. I jumped the relay (thank you Mr.
> Bentley) the fuel pump came on and fuel spewed out all over the engine bay!
> After tracing and repairing a few leaks I hit the key and she roared to life.
> Well, roared may be a bit strong considering it sounds more like a popcorn
> maker. Where can I buy a fuel pump relay? I'm not sure I have the original fuse
> panel in my car. It didn't seem to match any in the Bentley I have. Can someone
> send a pic of what an 81 should have? I also need the bushing that connects the
> throttle to the pedal. Mine crumbled in my hand. I'm getting excited though.
> I hope to take the maiden voyage soon. Thanks in advance
> Matt
> 1981 Mars Red
> Louisville, KY
> ____________
"It's Saliva!, it's Saliva!"
Contact the Potter-man, Mike, <http://www.parts4vws.com> about getting
the later VW A2 or A3 bushing; it's not foam but nylon or some such solid.
He can also get you the Bosch relay, be sure to spec what year and
model, etc, etc.
Note, re: fuse panels-
1. A mod done by the factory was to relocate the fuel pump relay off
the panel itself via a small loom and socket. This socket would then
clip into the top edge of the fuse panel. (This may be one reason why
the pictures don't look right.)
2. I have found the documentation my be off by a year or two based on
VW using up parts in the bin towards the end of a model year run
AND/OR differences in basic cars (Rabbit/Golf) vs Scirocco, esp smog
equipt California based units, so that you end up getting the right
info from a Cabriolet or Jetta, or a Scirocco from another year or two.
Poke around a bit and good luck.