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Cruisin' music

> Drew wrote:
>   > Drew ("shifting and drifting... mechanical music... adrenaline
> SURGE!")
> What timing.. I was listening to none other than Moving Pictures and Red
> Barchetta on my way home tonight.. just about anything by Rush is
> definitely my fave road music.
> --
> Kevin Collins

Agreed, and sad that I didn't mention it in my starter post. It goes
without saying! I'm Canadian eh? (but only my son is Candian enough to
listen to Anne Murray, I draw the line there). You guys are coming up with
some great stuff, some of which is in the present cruising collection
already. (I was smiling reading Cheapass' list) Keep it coming.

Oh, if you posted real early, could you send it to me again off list? I
had an email burp that ate them.