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Something funny
It's a dead issue everyone, now back to cars..............
Does anyone have a used muffler bearing for a 79' honda prelude?
Dave Ewing <MK1Scirocco16v@comcast.net> wrote:
Snivel snivel, waahh waahhh, where's the tissue. Man this list has gone to
the wussys. It's cool to do or see what YOU want to see on the list but
when something is on here that you don't want to see, better start crying
like a baby, and hey, it's cool to throw in some swearing as well.
If the list is slow, and you can talk about pretty much anything on here
(apparently) then why the heck are you concerned with a little political
talk. None of what I said was slamming anyone. What you need to do is
delete what you don't like and shut up about the rest unless you can add
something (positive or negative but atleast have a conversation not cry and
whine about it).
Hope this get's to you. I changed the subject just for you!
-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Jeff Toomasson
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 8:18 AM
To: scirocco@vintagewatercooleds.com
Cc: scirocco-l@scirocco.org; mk1scirocco16v@comcast.net
Subject: Best Advice (was: Something funny)
Enough with the fucking political rants already! I know the list has been
but this is the wrong way to jump-start it. If you're going to take it upon
yourself to hijack threads with your nonsense, at least have the decency to
CHANGE THE TOPIC so I can filter it w/ my index finger!
> I've gotten tired of it myself, and I find that a simple mail filter to
> send any of his emails directly to the trash is the most effective method
> of never having to deal with him again.
How wise you are, oh Salty One! :)
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93' Corrado VR6 (baby)
00' Rabbit GTI GLX VR6 (new born)
*****Rice, Smoked and Served Fresh By Volkswagen.*****