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OT: Symptoms of headgasket failure?
Both cars that I've had/driven with a bad headgasket rapidly overheat because there is a lack of pressure in the system. If it's a small leak, when you turn your car on after sitting for the night it will burn the coolant that leaked it's way into the cylinders, so the sweet smell and white smoke are most visable then. Compression is reduced as well, I think.
C Boyko <roccit_53@hotmail.com> wrote:
Okay, just a question, what are the symptoms of headgasket failure? The only
one we've had go was a diesel, and it was a dramatic failure, white smoke,
coolant pouring out the tailpipe, etc. Can it have more subtle symptoms? The
reason I ask is our (ex) PT Cruiser was consuming some coolant, without any
noticeable drips. Just curious about where the possible places were that it
may have been going, it was getting traded so we never bothered to test
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