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OT On Marriage (From another list)
Quoting C Boyko <roccit_53@hotmail.com>:
> Why, you ask? (Cuz' you didn't) The female chromosone is XX, and the
> > > male is
> > > > XY. We are recessive, not dominant...
> Well, you could still be either, but it's impossible for you (guys) to be
> heterozygous on that unmatched strip of chromosome. Is recessive better?
No, just more likely to be rare (as I remember, but we have already seen that
my sources may be suspect...)
> Depends on the gene, if it's hemophilia, I'd say no. But one more tidbit,
> the X chromosome is essential, you can have just one and live, though you've
> got a "syndrome" if you have only that without a Y or another X. There is no
> case of someone surviving that I'm aware of with only a Y. Not enough info
> on it. It codes for all that maleness stuff.
> Cathy
I thought that if you were male, you HAD to be XY, and female HAD to be XX
('cept for K.D. Lang)... This is not the case?
And remind me, what exactly doe heterozygous mean?
David Utley
Cable Volkswagen