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WAY OT: Hidden messages in SPAM??
All the jumbled words are there to beat the spam filters. Some Techie
found that scrambeling up words could break up what the spam filters
look for and get passed them. So what did he do, wrote a damn paper
about it and posted it to every Geek news source that he could. So what
did the spammers do, they started using the methode.
I swear some things should just stay a seceret. My spam intake has
nearly trippled in the last 2 weeks since this came out and I'm trying
to find a way to setup the filters to catch the new tactic without
trashing legit e-mail as well. At anyrate, thats what it's all about.
Jeff Toomasson wrote:
> I just got one of those Viagra spam emails, but then I noticed that in a very faint pink color there are random words. Check it out below.
> Anyone know what this crap means? I mean, if it was some coded message, I imagine they would be a little smarter about it...
> But seriously, what an avenue to communicate in a way that's virtually assured of being ignored. 99.9% of the world detests SPAM (including me).
> JT