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adding relays after Euros are wired

You can add relays pretty easily using the following (rough) outline:

in the factory wiring harness at each pair of headlights there are:

1 ground wire
1 low beam wire
1 high beam wire

You need to add:

1 fused terminal 30 (battery positive) 12 guage for each relay
1 ground (to solid chassis ground or battery) 12 guage for each light pair

I would wire four relays, installed in pairs behind each headlight.  Run 
your 12 guage hot wire to each side and split this into the lowbeam and 
highbeam relays on each side.  Your 12 guage ground wires need to be run 
to each headlight location and split to each light.

Use the factory wiring as "trigger" wires for your relays.  This maps out 
well with one relay per light.  Your factory high and low circuits will be 
on terminal 86 of the relays (these are white/yellow and white/bk 
yellow/bk wires).  The factory grounds (brown) will go to terminal 85.  
Your battery circuit will go to terminal 30 of the relays and you wire 
your lights onto terminal 87 of the relays.  Some lighting relays have two 
terminal 87's - this is handy for your highbeams, so you can run the 
highbeam filament on the outer lights from one terminal and the inner 
highs from the other.

Make sure all crimps are clean and TIGHT, and use wire loom to protect the
wires from chafing and keep them neat.  Install fuses as close to the
battery as possible.  I use factory VW relay plates (the ones that clip on
to the top of the later style fuse panels) to make the install clean and
relay replacement easy - but this requires the use of special connectors
that have retaining catches on them.



On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Marko wrote:

> I wired my lights as per the instructions on Patrick
> Bureau's page. I have a feeling that my light switch
> is going to burn out any minute now. Whats a good way
> to add relays to the way they are hooked up please ? 
> Do I have to rewire the whole shebang or can I put
> relays somewhere along the existing wires ?
> thanks
> =====
> 87 Scirocco 8v
> 84 Jetta GLi 16v
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