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16V Brake caliper help.
At 09:01 PM 02/15/2004 -0500, Ron@bunch.org wrote:
>It is sometimes referred to as a Universal Nut Rounder.
Knuckle Buster Par Excellence. Lifetime Dissatisfaction Guarentee comes
with every one.
Best kept DEEP in the tool box. Use only on large nuts, bolts, fittings
etc that are not need a lot of force to undo them.
>Outcome depends on the nut's previous experience and how well you tighten
>it to the nut.
>At 07:59 PM 2/15/04 -0500, Ryan H wrote:
>>Pardon my ignorance, but what's that?
>> > I used a small Kentucky Fit-all (adjustable).
>> >
>> > Ron
>> >