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Vortex Ripoff...(Another Rant)
Contact his local Police Dept and file a complaint. Being that you send him
a money order, it's considered mail fraud. This way the Police can go over
and slam his nuts in the trunklid of their cruiser. Of course it's not that
simple, but it's the proper course of action. However, if proper isn't your
cup of tea, find some local dubbers in his area and have them pay a kindly
visit. Dig up some info on him (maybe he's a minor and living at home, call
his momma) and use it to your avantage.
My wife recently helped bust a scammer on the poortex. Due to her job, she
has access to all kinds of skiptracing tools and managed to get enough info
on her own + what was already posted on the tex and she called and got this
guy/kids mother of all people. She explained what her son had done and the
lady wasn't surprised. The parents had actually got fed up with this 19/20
year old they call their son and took his VW away from him. So she gave my
wife info to be able to contact the father, which she intern passed onto the
poor Texer that got ripped off. The mother basicly said, heres my husbands
contact info, have you friend contact him and let him know what parts we
need to take off the car and ship.
Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. It can't hurt to try.
BTW, if you are going to send a MO, make it a US Postal MO cause then they
get into game i someone rips ya off and you can get your money back outta it
as well.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sandor" <sandor@vwot.org>
To: <peter@thescirocco.com>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: Vortex Ripoff...(Another Rant)
> Yup, I hear ya...I'm in Toronto, I've bought tonnes of stuff on the
> poortex and ebay..never been screwed...then I buy a rocco 16V exhaust
> manifold from this guy Jason Kessler (vortex: jk100 or as I came to find
> out, jk300) in Pennsylvania...I sent a money oredr before Christmas...not
> a freakin peep...nothing.
> I know I'm not the only one who got screwed by this mofo.
> What's a good form of recourse here...other than the obvious slamming his
> nuts in my cars hatch
> sandor