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name this audi - now Ron's scirocco
Crap! You have your hands full it sounds like.... I wish you well in your
quest for success! ;-)
David Utley
Cable Volkswagen
Quoting Ron Pieper <rapieper@yahoo.com>:
> --- David Utley <mr.utility@highstream.net> wrote:
> > How much longer do you think you will take to complete the transfer?
> Sorry about the empty post again - bad fingers, be glad I don't play piano.
> I have to get it done by March 21, that's the first autox! I have to get
> four connectors (for
> Digi injectors), a passat 16V auto TB connector (for TPS), a GM coolant temp
> sender (for IAT),
> wire the Megasquirt, finish the exhaust, complete the coolant plumbing,
> figure out an air filter
> and CAI, add al fluids, and align it. Plus whatever else comes up
> unexpectedly. Hard to find
> time with the little guys!
> Ron
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