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FS: most killer gauges (not mine)
I like the idea, would like to have the product, but I'm not impressed
with the price. Now I've seen real backlit (reverse indiglow) setups
for the 8v clusters with the shift light up top. An those I am pretty
sure where around the $60 - $70 mark. This setul, for just a rough
kit will cost about $130 and not look that great as it's not truely
backlit and brightness won't be uniform.
Now I'm not knocking this guy's work, he's obviously put a lot of
thought and work into making these. I personally just don't think
they are of high enough quality to warrent $130 for a DIY kit. What I
do like though is that they did one for the 88' 16v cluster which is
what I have and it's always left out of the cool mods that are avail.
So thumbs up to this guy for coming up with a good idea, I just think
the price needs to come down a bit before I'd bite at the bait.
Monday, February 2, 2004, 1:27:56 PM, you wrote:
DS> These are really really sweet. Please buy stuff, and put my
DS> name (sad_rocc@yahoo.com) as a reference.
DS> http://auctioneye.hypermart.net/gauges_info.htm
DS> Dan
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