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Now: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (was Re: It's legal now)
who pissed in your wheatties??? lighten up, i guess
you are the list nazi, oh, sorry, Nazi. i'll just
shut up now, and not say another thing. thanks to
everyone for all the fun posts, it's been a riot!
i won't need anyone's advice, since my car is about to
blow up anyways, and there is nothing i can do about
it, and i sure as hell won't get another one. i'll
probably buy something reliable like a civic.
--- "Mark F." <mk1mark@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 22:19:58 -0800 (PST), Lars
> Bruchmann
> <pilotlars@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > yes it should, and your 'Mr' should be 'Mr.'
> Well my (and others') subtle hints haven't worked,
> so:
> UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
> don't know if I'm
> speaking for anyone else here, but this constant
> babbling about
> nothing related to Sciroccos, or even cars for that
> matter, is
> diluting the list to the point where it's 99%
> This email list has tolerated more off-topic stuff
> than most, and that
> was a good thing - it made for interesting reading,
> and spawned and
> fortified many friendships over the years. BUT it's
> gotten way out of
> hand...
> Without naming names, I'm tired of seeing the same
> (very) small
> handful of people dragging threads on and on without
> contributing a
> single meaningful thing to it... I think you guys
> are forgetting
> there are HUNDREDS of people subscribed to this
> list, and no one wants
> to see the same two or three people clogging their
> inboxes with
> useless drivel, OVER and OVER and OVER again...
> And it's not just
> the odd thread this is happening to - lately, pretty
> much EVERY thread
> has been hijacked long after the question has been
> answered, and
> continues on and on with bullshit reply after
> bullshit reply...
> It's hard to maintain a sense of "community" when
> the majority of
> traffic mostly revolves around a small circle of
> people - ESPECIALLY
> when the people in that circle have very little, if
> anything, to add
> to the knowledge base of the list... It's actually
> pretty amazing how
> a few people can completely change the dynamic of an
> email list of
> hundreds of people - in this case, for the worse...
> I miss the vibrant, varied, and entertaining
> scirocco.org list of the
> past - maybe it's gone forever, maybe it'll return -
> but hopefully I
> can convince a *couple* people to think about the
> content of their
> post before they hit 'Send'... When you reply to a
> post will the
> hundreds of people reading your reply find it
> informative, meaningful,
> or at the very least entertaining or humorous? If
> not, maybe you
> should make your point OFF-LIST to that person... I
> think the meaning
> of "public forum" got lost on some of you, and the
> list has suffered
> as a result...
> I don't want to scare anyone off (especially
> newbies) from posting -
> if you've got a question, answer, observation, or
> even a story about
> cars/driving in general, great, post away! That's
> what we're all here
> for! Even the odd friendly jab is alright... BUT
> ease up on the one
> sentence posts (usually top posted with the 39
> previous replies
> unsnipped below) that contribute NOTHING to the
> thread... I can't be
> the only one that's frustrated with this...
> People are leaving the list (whether or not they
> announce it), and by
> the looks of it many have receded into lurk-mode. I
> think the present
> "vibe" of the list isn't conducive to it's growth as
> the best source
> of information and discussion of our beloved cars.
> Sorry to rant like
> this guys, but I don't want to sit idly by while the
> list I've grown
> to love and look forward to reading every day
> degrades to the point
> where I no longer want to be a part of it...
> Mark.
> 75
> 80 S
> 81 Caddy
> 90 Audi Coupe Quattro - 10vt
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