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Brett/BigMac's MegaSquirt variant?

> From: "Dan Bubb" <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com>
> Date: 2004/12/27 Mon PM 02:08:28 EST

> The vems-group.org is pretty dense. There just isn't much up there (except for guys like Brian!)
> I'd read all the regular Megasquirt stuff just because it's layed out so well and is very
> informative in a general sense.
> www.sds-efi.com  is also a very good site to learn about EFI although I don't particularly care for
> the SDS system.
> Those two sites will tell you a lot that in the end will help you decide which system you really
> want to use.
> Dan

Yeah, I just looked at it.  My head hurts...

Very good, thanks for the suggestions.  I will look at both and see what is the shiz for me...


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--Ralph Waldo Emerson