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was: I'm freezing my ass off Now: MD 12 step program
Numbing cold and beer......
Happy holidays mike, you just made me smile.... Oh and By the way there are many of us in MD and after the holidays I'll be working on creating a MD SCirocco Self help Group......Yes we will have meetings every month and tell our names at every gathering, We will pray to the gods of metal and help each other as brothers and sisters should......Ah.....the beauty!!!
Mike Smith <smithma7@gmail.com> wrote:
You know, I'm in MD and as of 1:30am Christmas night, it's less than
17'F here. Well, I have just one thing to say: It's cold here, BUT
like your southern weather now?!?!?!?
Sorry, I had to get that out and I've been waiting about 2 years to
say it. Peace love and happiness to everyone.
On another note, I want to do the funksoulkitty in my MkII. Well,
maybe not "THE fuksoulkitty," but something in the same vein. Is
there enough info on the site for me to do it myself or should I
pester, Hey, Bubb-a-ree-bubb?
Ok, Dan. Sorry for that. I've been drinking. But you know your
knowledge is... well to be honest, the best Scirocco brain in the
state of MD, to the best of my knowledge. Is there any chance I could
"adopt" you on weekends to help me do what I want to do with my
'rocco? I'll give a few months to decide (I need to get a job and a
third car... key phrase there is "new job" rapidly followed by "third
I'm local. We met on 70 in MD on the way to this year's Cincy. And
to be honest, whether you put as much effort into mine as you did
Kirsten's I care not, but to have your expertise on my side (even if
it's verbally and psuedo-physically (without you turning a wrench at
all, to be honest, all I ask is that you open my beers whilst I'm
under the car...:)) when I am able to get funky with my love (read:
car), then I'll be a happy camper.
Basically, what I'm asking you is: Once I can park my car (next year
or so), will you not help me (as I said above, I don't ask you to turn
any wrenches) turn it into what a Scirocco should be?
'86 red 16v (Red 5)
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