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Drum brakes vs. winter question

Daun Yeagley wrote:
> --- Brian Wagner <dagnamit@gmail.com> wrote:
>>My dear sweet Cathy, it is the parking brake cable. 
> I'll second this, it's likely the problem.
> Once you get it unstuck, tell her to refrain from using the
> parking brake 'til spring.

And order a second cable; replace them as a set.

If you care to, (I know it's cold) think:

- Clean all the old bearing grease out, pack with new. Never mix. 
Consider the Redline Synth grease.

- Get new drum shoes. (Or not, they are likely fine, drums, on the rear, 
last a long time.)

- Get a spring kit for the rear drums, one set for each side.

The reason I mentioned this was if you are going to pull the drum off to 
replace the parking brake cable you might as well do all the stuff in 
there you ever need to do.

Much love from California. It's getting down to the mid 30s/ low 40s 
tonight, Fahrenheit. brrrrr.
