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[16v] hard start, bucking/bogging off idle

>From: "Mark F." <mk1mark@gmail.com>

>BTW, John, thanks for the tip about not filling up when the tanks are
>being filled.  EVERY tank has at least a bit of water in it, which
>would be suspended in the gas when stirred up, rather than sitting in
>a layer than normally doesn't get sucked up by the pumps...  I never
>thought of that!  Thanks!

And also and crap that is floating around, or settled to the bottom too.  
have filters, but you never know the condition of them.  I got this tip from 
father-in-law, who used to own a station-he always say to NEVER fill up when
the tanks are being filled.

p.s. got any pics of that tow dolly folded up on the back of your car?