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now: patricks tech notes
> De: David Utley <fahrvegnugen@cox.net>
> Date: 2004/08/30 lun. PM 05:28:34 GMT-04:00
> ?: "Allyn"
> <amalventano@sc.rr.com>, <ats@longcoeur.com>, <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Objet: Re: now: patricks tech notes
> >
> > From: "Allyn" <amalventano@sc.rr.com>
> > Date: 2004/08/30 Mon PM 04:41:59 EDT
> > To: <ats@longcoeur.com>, <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> > Subject: now: patricks tech notes
> >
> > hey man, i started topic, i got flamed, i admitted defeat, he wouldnt stop.
> >
> > anyhow, since you couldnt resist throwing in a jab on this one...
> > have you passed on those tech notes yet? (grin - back-atcha) :)
> >
> > btw - see how we can be sarcastic at eachother and have it be cool? try that
> > with jody and he'll come at you with a flamethrower :)
> >
> > Al
> SUre... But we all know that to the French (and French-Canadian), that sarcasm is a means to show affection! :-)
> Salut!
> David
Yeah, the art of the "killing one liner", but pb lives in Texas, so maybee it does not apply anymore, or does it?
So where did you learned this David?
No computer for four days, and I come back to the list, I say "the", and not "this", and there goes all this mayhem.
Man, I hate ati's radeon...
At least Julie's car ROCKS and wins RACES, and Gordon's craftmanship is still outstanding.
Oh and where has gone this very literate dude building his 2l who offered to make beer for Cincy? Can't remember his name.
Back to insulation, sheetrock and 2*4s. I get the new kitchen cabinets delivered in three days.
'83 Scirocco
BTW who is jody? Pretty pissed individual huh?