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reverse issue with an 8v tranny


    As you are the tranny god around here, thanks for replying.  Basicly, it
didn't have any issues with reverse before this.  Matter of fact, after the
shop guy ground the snott outta it, my wife was able to use reverse 2 more
time without issue that day.  It was after sitting over night that the issue
suddenly developed. and since then, I haven't been sucessful in getting it
into reverse.

I was doing exactly as you wrote as for how to manually shove it into
reverse at the tranny lever.  Went and did it again after reading this just
to be sure, pull lever to the front of the car, then pull towards driver
fender, yup, I got it, but it won't go.  It will push all the way in like it
supposed to, it just won't go over to the drivers fender more then a hair.
I'm a fat guy and even with applying some of my gurth (not too much) it
still wouldn't budge (this is with the linkage totally dissconnected, all
thats left is the tranny lever).  So with that info, lemmie know what you
think.  I'm starting to agree that it might be a bent shift fork but I don't
know the innards well enough to say for sure.  As always, I'm much
appreciative of any and all information thats sent my way.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Pieper" <rapieper@yahoo.com>
To: "Calimus" <calimus@techography.net>; "Scirocco-l"
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: reverse issue with an 8v tranny

> When you *can* get it into reverse, how does it behave?  Any new noises
> Your description leads me to belive that there's a problem in the linkage,
including the forks
> inside the tranny.  It's not a classic 020 gearbox failure mode.
> When shifting by hand at the tranny, are you sure you're trying to get
reverse?  It's push
> inwards, pull towards driver's fender.  Sorry if you know this, but we
have to be sure...
> Ron