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TDI Sciroccos and High MPG was: Paging Scott F. Williams

>> Julie Macfarlane wrote:
>>> Tonee wrote:
>>>> Salty is SO hot... (How Hot is He?)
>>>> He can make Combustion without the _need_ for Injection.
> Wow - I missed this statement - Eric's TDI needs injection, like all
> diesels, without it all you've got is a bunch of hot air... :)

>> Oil Burners preferred but most all your motor must not get below 20
>> mpg. Extra bonus points for 35 mpg and above.
> Is that US, or imperial?  I get about 50 mpg US in MY diesel Scirocco, if
> I'm behaving myself.
>> Hey, Eric?  What does the Diesel Roc get anyway?
> I don't think it gets anything, seeings how its still in pieces - or did
> Eric finish this project up without telling anyone? :)

<bracing for the reply...this should be good>

MkIV TDI Scirocco