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Where is the engine code??

It's not the head that gives it the higher compression. The combustion chamber volume is the same
for all the 1.8L 8V heads.
The higher CR is due to less bowl volume in the piston.
Your head must have had a lot removed during the resurfacing to get the kind of changes you noticed.

----- Original Message -----
From: <SequoiaGLX@twcny.rr.com>
To: "T Berk" <tberk@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: <Scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: Where is the engine code??

I guess I didn't realize that head was higher compression, I put a head on my JH block emporarily
from an '85 GTI (hydro) and it seemed to run pretty strong with my standard CIS setup.  I did notice
I had to run 93 octane in it or it would ping like a jackhammer but it had all kinds of power.  I
have had no oiling issues and premium fuel takes care of the knock.  I thought initially it was
because the head was resurfaced and they shaved a chunk off but I guess not.  It seems to like about
8? advance at idle 2? ahead of the stock 6?.

John K. Gates
'97 Jetta GLX - daily driver
'85 Scirocco Flash Silver, waiting for my new house/shop for a complete
teardown/buildup sometime soon...

----- Original Message -----
From: T Berk <tberk@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:12 am
Subject: Re: Where is the engine code??

> Neptuno wrote:
> > --- Dan Bubb <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: "Neptuno" <neptunonc@yahoo.com>
> >>To: <Scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> >>Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:45 PM
> >>Subject: Where is the engine code??
> >>>
> >>>Ok so someone I know is selling what he claims is
> >>>an engine from an 85 GTI.
> <snip>
> >>
> >>I believe the engine serial number and code are
> >>stamped into a pad that is on the top front of the
> >>block (as installed in the car) just in front of
> >>cylinder numbers 3 and 4. Usually, it's rusted
> >>over, but a little sandpaper will clean it up.
> >>Also, the 85GTI didn't come with a JH. RD or HT
> >>IIRC. Mostly the same as a JH but 10:1 CR and
> >>hydraulic head.
> >>Dan
> >>
> > Which fuel management did it it use.....IIRC the heads
> > on my little 1.7 are solid and I'm not sure that
> > swapping this other in could be possible if they don't
> > run the same management.....Also I have always just
> > hear that JH heads used with 3A bubble blocks to keep
> > the CIS in are solid.
> >
> > Tony
> > (showing how little I know)
> The A2 chassis 1985 GTI came w/ a high compression 1.8 liter motor
> w/
> hydraulic valves. The fuel injection is CIS-E;
> <http://volkswagen.msk.ru/vw_doc/eva2/FU01/ch1.6.3.html>
> You can switch to the CIS that's in your car now. Or you can
> switch
> over the CIS-e from the donor car but it's a lot of work.
> If the car is a JH, it's not from an 85 GTI, if it's the RD we
> think
> it might be you'll need to either detune it a bit or graft a knock
> sensor system
> <http://volkswagen.msk.ru/vw_doc/eva2/FU03/ch1.2.html>
>   into the ignition, it's not hard I can send you a schematic
> (and of
> course there are a few well done web pages out there with
> instructions. [minus one now]). Damn, where are those delete
> characters?  ;])
> Get back to us with more details, as well as how much of the motor
> you
> are thinking of getting; long block, short, any accessories? Any
> bits
> and pieces?
> TBerk
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