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Where is the engine code??
- Subject: Where is the engine code??
- From: fahrvegnugen at cox.net (David Utley)
- Date: Wed Aug 18 14:04:26 2004
> From: "Dan Bubb" <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com>
> Date: 2004/08/18 Wed PM 03:02:53 EDT
> To: "Neptuno" <neptunonc@yahoo.com>, <Scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Subject: Re: Where is the engine code??
> I believe the engine serial number and code are stamped into a pad that is on the top front of the
> block (as installed in the car) just in front of cylinder numbers 3 and 4. Usually, it's rusted
> over, but a little sandpaper will clean it up.
> Also, the 85GTI didn't come with a JH. RD or HT IIRC. Mostly the same as a JH but 10:1 CR and
> hydraulic head.
> Dan
I concur on all counts...
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