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TV-Movie sighting
A resource I keep forgetting to check before posting sightings (Just forgot the other day with Falling Down :) http://www.geocities.com/onesixv/
My wife stopped laughting, but I still get the always fun and lovable: Yeah, it's a scirocco.
Isn't it grand?
'86 red 16v (Red 5)
Jon Palm <scirokn@hotmail.com> wrote:
I can almost be certain this has already been mentioned since it's an old
movie, but last night my son and I were flippin between "Commando" and "Foot
Loose" and in Commando there's a parking garage scene with a MKII about 3
cars away from the girls Benz. We both pointed at the screen yelling, "Hey
that was a...." My wife just laughed, we're SO hooked.
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word (wûrd)
interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up. Source
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