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Engine Strip
If you're talking about the bolt that holds the crankshaft pulley onto
the crankshaft, it's lefty loosie (well at least on my 9A and ABA) but I
had to get an electric impact to get the sucker off...when I did it by
hand I was rotating all of the internals...
Hope that helps some,
-----Original Message-----
From: W.Hawker [mailto:willhawk@shaw.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 4:21 PM
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Subject: Engine Strip
Hi Guys
Thought I would start my winter project a little early. Started to tear
down an 83 GTi engine (JH) for rebuild (blueprint and balance). That
"&?*&!@#%" son of a gun crank shaft gear bold is one tough puppy. Any
secrets here. It has been 10 years since the last disassembly, but Ido
not believe the bolt is a right hand loosen. Any tricks?? Tried heat
and an extension on the breaker bar (lefty-loosy, righty
tighty..correct). Once done I can pull the pistons, crank and seals.
82 Scirocco restoration (completed)
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