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SolidWorks, and tow-dolly (WAS RE: Is a Mk1's front/rear trackidentical?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euroroc II [mailto:flaatr@yahoo.com]
> Sent: April 24, 2004 12:44 AM
> To: Mark; 'Allyn'; Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Subject: RE: Is a Mk1's front/rear track identical?
> SolidWorks is a great program... I've been a long time user of AutoCad
> I'm beginning to like SolidWorks. Whatcha using it for? New A1 parts
> maybe ;-)

I'm using it to design my homebuilt tow-dolly at the moment.  My main
design elements are:

- fully collapsible (whatever doesn't bolt to the hitch fits into the
    - no dolly bouncing behind me when empty (saving sanity, and fuel)
- lightweight (using aluminum for most of it)
- electronically controlled electric brakes (rated for 3500lbs)
    - Dexter 10" x 2 1/4" drums and backing plates
    - Tekonsha Voyager Controller (inertia sensor)
- swivel type design
- wheel hub bolts to dolly rather than strapping down the wheels
    - allows the front end to sit much lower, and besides I hate those
      damn "wheel nets"
- A1/A2 VW specific (for now).  Additional "hub plates" can be made for
  other vehicles.
- rollers under "swivel" ends for less friction/strain when turning
- minimize welds required

This thing should be tits...  :D

I'll chuck the SolidWorks assembly on my webspace later this weekend and
let you engineering types give me some feedback on the design.

I'm sure I'll be using the program in the future for all kinds of stuff.
My friend who makes guitars (Sean) is bugging me to help him design a
bridge to get CNC'ed...  The madness has begun... :)

77 - waiting to be picked up with said dolly (1000 miles away)
80 S
81 - same with this one (500 miles away)
81 S  2.0 ABA/JH/4K

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