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To keep from dwelling too much on NOT having parts

I've been playing with the geek toys to keep the angst of autopart avarice
born of "message from Garcia" type of parts procurin from consuming my
scant sense.

Still waiting on piston info. I really don't want to go to the dealer to
get this so I'm using GAP, and I think I'll ask the shop if they can get
pistons too and how much they might cost 'cause the boring is the thing
that's being waited on and all that's needed to complete that is the
friggin' PISTONS!!!

So I've decided to focus on the website as it has had some good natured
critique from y'all (but @ least I have one!).

I went lightweight Content Managment System with php4 and mysql backend.

Namely, Drupal.

It's nice and light and fairly easy to admin. It has a nice image galley

So the photo archive has been orginized and is starting to be imported
into the new site. Some of it's there already and can be viewed at:


The icon pic is the only one I could dig up on short notice that even came
close to fitting the bill.

If you click on the "image galleries" link in the upper menu bar it will
take you to the new image albums beginnings sectioned off into separate
areas for each particualr project instead of a page that seems to go on
Much smaller images using server/client compression transferral schemas
making for MUCH faster loading and viewing (even though it may not seem
liek it RIGHT now as I'm listening to streamed MP3's from the home server
while administrating the page in question so upload bandwidth is a bit
saturated ATM.
But take a shot. It can't be any slower than it was w/ the old setup.


Thank you, I feel better now.

Give it a whirl, Earl.

Calling GAP to see if they have any news YET, and if not, the machine


If an average person on the subway turns to you, like an ancient mariner,
and starts telling you her tale, you turn away or nod and hope she stops,
not just because you fear she might be crazy.  If she tells her tale on
camera, you might listen.  Watching strangers on television , even
responding to them from a studio audience, we're disengaged -- voyeurs
collaborating with exhibitionists in rituals of sham community.  Never
have so many known so much about people for whom they cared so little.
		-- Wendy Kaminer commenting on testimonial television
		   in "I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional".