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WTB: lots of stuff

used 8v turbo exhaust mani (Zornig, ATP, etc) ~$100
T3 turbo, don't really care about sizing as long as it's in excellent shape ~$100
Audi 5k IC, 2 would be great, one will do ~$50 each
Megasquirt AVR; I know this is a longshot but I'm looking for someone to build me a megasquirt system for cheap, I don't really know electronics and I suck at soldering.
TB with TPS
A1 turbo downpipe ~$75-100
If you have leads on any of this stuff, feel free to point me in their direction. I'll probably be adding more. I just realized it's April and I need my car built by the end of May, so it's crunch time. If you're looking for anything let me know, though I probably won't have it. Most of the stuff I won't be able to buy until the last week or so of the month, when I get tax money and paychecks and whatnot.

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Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th