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Slightly (OT) people missing (now long and opinionated)
Oddly enough, I was thinking the exact same thing last night. I've been an active listor for about 2 1/2yrs now and though I'm no old timer, many names that I used to see frequently have faded away. Scott Williams, Scott Rose, Rick Alexander, Llyman Turney (gone to the raddo crowd?) and a few others whose names escape me. Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with our change of content. I used to read almost every post, as I figured even if it didn't apply to me, I could still learn something. However, lately, I delete a lot. OT, opinions on different things and arguing about who's right and wrong about everything seem to flood the list now. Nit-picking every little detail of a post seems to be a regular hobby. Am I being a bit vague? Just look to this whole full throttle switch thing. I've deleted most of it, but come on, can ammeters, dwell and related stuff really be complex enough to warrent over 100 posts? This stuff is not rocket science and there are diagrams, complete
explanations and exact meanings of readings out there somewhere, I'm sure. Another example, my post on octane, while I got about 5-10 good, simple answers, a post by Patrick turned into this big argument. There have been a few times in recent memory where a simple question has turned into a zillion posts and then I see one from the person who originated the thread saying, "Uh yeah, that's swell, but none of it answers my question..." I have opinions as does everyone else and I make comments and posts on things that aren't necessarily necessary to post on. But there are also plenty of times when I type up a response, then think if my response is really contributing anything useful and then click the cancel button. I don't blame so many people from fading away, in the mere 2 1/2yrs since I've been here, the list has most definitely changed. Not necessarily for better or worse, but it seems to me this has gone from a tech list about sciroccos to a bunch of friends and associates,
joined by a common thread, discussing, well, stuff. (Realize that last statement is a generalization and not a 100% in stone thing). Sorry for such a long post, but I'm in my car a lot alone, with no radio and this just happened to be something I was mulling over last night.
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