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8V's are for weenies.
--- Aaron <aaroncarr@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Thanks for making me so welcome.
> I detect some factionalisation here between the 8v posse and the 16v
> cru! I suspect this debate runs as deep as nature v nurture, evolution
> v devine intervention, cats v dogs. I guess the only real solution is
> to transplant in a vr6 instead - I'm joking, no really, before you get
> started, I am joking.
> Think I'll just enjoy my car as veedub intended in the short term.
> Can someone please tell me the recommended tyre pressures on an '83
> GTi? I'm guessing the rims are original.
> Onelove
> Aaron
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- References:
- New Member
- From: aaroncarr at ntlworld.com (Aaron)