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The Project is coming along

> -----Original Message-----
> From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
> [mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of tomc
> Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:56 PM
> To: Scirocco list; Texas Scirocco Team
> Subject: The Project is coming along
> Hi Guys and gals,
> OK, today I got the electronic ignition from a 81 cabby installed in
> "The Project". She purrs now, I started with an advance of 6deg but
> backed down to 4deg. I have the idle screw as far as I can get it but
> she idles high at 1300 rpm, is that normal? I can't adjust it down any
> farther.

Do you have any intake vacuum leaks?  Unmetered air could be getting into
the engine, raising the idle.  Check all your rubber intake parts, vacuum
lines and connectors, etc.  Your idle bypass could also be stuck open.
Could be too much fuel.  If your fuel distributor's 3mm allen head adjuster
thingy is set too rich, the car will be getting too much fuel and it idles
higher as a result (even with the idle adjustment all the way down)...  If
you suspect this, try leaning it out a bit till it starts to stumble, and
then richen it about 1/4 turn - that should be close...  To properly set
this you have to go somewhere with a exhaust analyzer...

> The next thing is the larger airflow sensor and fuel distributor
> assembly. I have one problem, there is an electronic gadget that is on
> the side if the fuel dizzy that I don't know what it does and can I
> leave it disconnected? It seams to be some sort of fuel metering
> dohicky.it has a fuel inlet and outlet from one side of the dizzy to the
> other.

That would be the frequency valve.  These are on fuel distributors that came
on CIS lambda equipped cars.  To work properly, you need an oxygen sensor
and the required electrical circuit to run the "lambda loop"...  I believe
you will be running WAY rich just running that fuel distributor without the
lambda circuit - anyone confirm this?  I have a similar problem right now -
my frequency valve doesn't buzz, even with a new oxygen sensor, and it runs
mega rich...

80 S
81 S