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Euro bumps for FREE!!!

  YES!!! sometimes the sun does shine on me. Last night I got rear-ended in my 
  85 and shoved into a Blazer in front of me. The blazer tailpipe popped a 
  circle hole on the front and my rear bumper was shoved in about 5 inches on 
  one side yet miraculously with no body damage.

  Sorry, man, there is body damage.  You'll see it when you pull that bumper off. 
   Maybe you can repair it for $435.
  Good luck.

   I went to the convenient 
  Geico drive in claim center and walked out an hour later with $735 in my 
  pocket. Best part is a local girl has new in box euro's she's gonna sell me 
  for $300...woohoo!!!!

  Jon Palm
  85 8v
  86 8v Auto
  88 16v (gone)
  84 8v (gone)

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