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--- Dan Smith <sad_rocc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What exactly does MS replace? Instead
> of hunting down and paying big bucks for a digi1 setup, can I just use MS straight up? I looked
> over the FAQ (you guys use this site for your info right?

Picture this: remove your CIS setup from the filter to the injectors  (note: CIS is Continuous
Injection System - the injectors spray all the time).  Get some Bosch electrically fired injectors
- like Digifant, Motronic, Ford, etc. setups use - and install them.  Devise a fuel rail and
regulator to feed them fuel at the correct pressure.  Now all you have to do is fire them - that's
what MS does.  It takes a signal from the dizz, a vacuum signal, a throttle position signal,
coolant temp, and O2 signal, and maybe a few more.  

The cool thing is that YOU can configure MS to squirt how much to squirt, under what conditions,
etc.  You download software (free) that graphs out how close you are to optimum, and tweak from

The controller box is the DIY.  Buy components from the bills of material, sit down and solder it
all together.  Takes a bit of time and a bit of skill, but not tons.

Wire it up and go!

Now how do I know all that?  I'm about 90% done with my build, and the install comes pretty

Dan Bubb will expand on my 5th grade explanation, I hope...

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