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OT: 411 on a 12 step seeker???

Hi Jeff! Thanks for the welcome!

	Good suggestions Jeff! I wish that recent history didn't make 1
minorly abrasive but it being that way has NOTHING to do w/ you!

	K then......My name is Tim and I'm a scir.....(Dammit! Done that
already!) Ummmmmmm.....ahhhhhh......ummmmmm....Oh yeah! My location.

	I'm located in a non-standard area on the Mississippi river where
it runs E-W rather than N-S, namely the Quad City region of the
Illinois/Iowa border (Davenport  IA, Rock Island-Moline-E.Moline  IL).

	As to occupation (where abrasion occurs) that's an interesting
story....(Please refrain from loud snoring as it will discomfort other
sleepers....ehem!...listeners to the story)

	I was hired as a Server Admin for IS of Worldcom
conferencing (Yes, they are the same shifty bastiges that filed the
largest bankruptcy in US history) now known as MCI conferencing (But
don't beleive the hype!).
	Ever since I started here 2.5 yrs. ago my responsibilities, and
subsequently my interest in the occupation, have been waning. But, on to
the interesting part!
	I went on vacation last week and found out (while checking my
home phone messages, there was one from my manager) that corp. headquarters
had decided to close my center over the coming year.
	So my occupation can soon be referred to as:

 "That shiftless, lazy, no good bastige!"

for as long as severence pay, unemploymenmt, and the present IT job market
	But I will be taking cold (and I mean COLD!~ I'm in Ill.
remember?) comfort in the garage trying to do cheapass (unemployed)
maintenance to my beauties to keep them in shape.
	So.....if you know of any IT jobs (all right. I'll lower my
standards to ANY) in this geographical location tie a note to a brick and
throw it at me (the wife says that this is a necessary component of
conversation w/ me).

+++++++++++++++Thanks to ALL for the warm welcome!!!+++++++++++++++++++++++
