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[Southern States] Questions bout 2 tires and looking for anopinion.. try this again!

Well, I cannot offer you direct experience or comparison, so take this in 
the 'for what it is worth' column...

I had Yokohama 356H4 185/60/14 on the GTi years back, and loved them... They 
are not a super sprot tire, but they are pretty damn good, esp. for the 
money...  I like Yokohamas, and I would buy another set...  I had a pair of 
A509s (I think), very sticky, very good grip in dry, but 25K miles, they were 
gone (more of a lead foot in those days)...  I have Dunlop A2Sport (I think), 
same size, and I really like them a lot, in all weather, except for one 
thing...  They seem to wander a little bit on the straights, which is 
irritating in OK, as there are many, not as bad as KS though...  :-)  

Anyways, hopefully that helps...


Quoting Patrick Bureau <txrocco@sbcglobal.net>:

> opps hit the send button by error  here is the complete message.
> Well it is that time of the year again, the scirocco need new rubber...
> ?
> I have 15x7 rims, and for the last year and a half been listening to the
> 205/50's rubbing on the fender and inner well so I will be cutting down
> sizes
> to 195/55/15 this time around to see if I can stop the rubbing...
> ?
> now the question is the following, anyone have experience with either ofthe
> following tires, this is for the Prowler, and keeping in mind this is for
> the
> daily driving routine (I have slicks now for the SCCA future races I will
> enter) so I need something solid on dry/wet pavement.
> ?
> the choices are the following ones.
> ?
> Yokohama AVS ES100     VR Speed Rated 195/55-15 
> Kumho ECSTA Supra 712  VR Speed Rated 195/55-15 
> Michelin Pilot XGTV4   VR Speed Rated 195/55-15 
> Pirelli P6000          TR Speed Rated 195/55-15 
> or any other you may suggest. remeber I live in texas and ice and snow does
> not
> really apply here... when it snows we stay home...:)
> =====
> ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
> '85 2.0L Prowler Orange, Kamei X1 Rocco 
> '84 1.8L Silver Restoration and '83 Rocco Trailer Project
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