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Seized piston impact options?
Jeff Toomasson wrote:
> I'm wondering if there's any kind of impact I
> could apply to the pistons w/o damaging them
> to assist the breakage.
You've waited a few months -- give the PB Blaster
a week or two. Then if you can get a socket on
the crank nut, and a breaker bar with a 3-ft pipe
over it for leverage, it should move. Or an impact
wrench if you have one or can borrow one.
But don't get your hopes up too much. If water
leaked into the cylinder, and rust froze the rings
or piston to the cylinder wall, then there is
probably some damage. You may be able to
clean it up (steel wool, super fine sand paper,
or a hone), but the pitting may be too deep.
Good luck.