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Steering problems fixed!
It turned out to be the outer drivers side cv. I guess the 80% kit was
making the car pull when the "tight" part was coming around. I got another
axle this morning and just got finished putting it in. Thanks for
everyone's input.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Pieper" <rapieper@yahoo.com>
To: "Kervin Ridgley" <kridgley@brownscar.com>; "list"
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: Steering problems
> Check, in order:
> -that all strut-hub bolts are tight
> -control arm bushings
> -ball joints (both where they attach to the control arm and the hub)
> -Steering rack mounts
> -tie rod ends, don't forget the inners
> Ron
> --- Kervin Ridgley <kridgley@brownscar.com> wrote:
> > Coming into work today, I was having so weird things happen. I was
going down the street at
> > about 20 mph and my steering wheel started moving left and right. I was
thinking that maybe one
> > of my tires was going flat, but it is not. I stopped and did a quick
check to see if all my lug
> > nuts were on and they were. After backing out of the space, everything
seemed fine again.
> > After about a mile, the left to right steering wheel shake started
again, but then went away.
> > My drive into work lasts about 20 minutes on country roads. It's
pouring rain today and I'm in
> > a jacket and tie so I'd like some thought before I go lay in a puddle to
see what could be
> > wrong.
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