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another Scirocco is leaving NY
Good luck Josh...
I imagine that the trip won't be too fun, but just think about once
you get there... no more winter to deal with... ever, right?
So get going on plans for a big track event to give us all an excuse
to come out and visit, ok? :)
--- Josh20V <mkii@nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> Well, this summer Brett bailed out of NY, and now so am I!
> Im loading up a 24' Ryder truck, and attaching a car dolly on its backside
> on Tuesday. Then Im off on the road trip from hell to Reno Nevada!
> To the east coast guys and gals I know, I hope to see you again next year at
> Cincy, though its going to be a bit longer of a haul than in the past. :)
> Josh Able
> www.JsHouseOfEuro.com
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