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[I need more Rear Disc E-brake help!!!! and a VENT]
- Subject: [I need more Rear Disc E-brake help!!!! and a VENT]
- From: losinit at usa.net (Cathy Boyko)
- Date: Thu May 15 14:47:12 2003
I'm assuming this is on the Rocc and the same as mine, if not, ignore me as
you see fit.
Anyway, you need to get the back end up on jackstands, and get a helper (I had
my neice do it) to work the Ebrake handle. This is after you've gone up/down
on the handle lots of times to stretch the cables. Anyway, at no clicks, and
the first click, the rotor should turn by hand quite easily, at the second
click the rotors should be tough to turn, and at the third click, they
shouldn't turn at all when you reef on them. So get your helper to yank the
handle, and just keep moving those nuts under the handle till it's adjusted.
This adjustment should be quite independant of the brake bleeding that
preceeds it, I did mine about a week after I did the caliper.
Now with my used replacement caliper, I had to back off the piston to get the
brake to release, (my pads were thicker than the car the caliper came off of)
-On new calipers, how long does it take for the piston to extend out to the
"thinness" of used pads? Or did you do the pads too?
And I hear you about parenthood...
"Leach, Michael" <michael.leach@lmco.com> wrote:
> I have done some more investigation and have some more questions about my
> now operational E-brake. The calipers were just replaced on warranty from
> the local Advance Auto Parts I removed the cables from the brakes and they
> move fine so the cables are not the issue. I then removed the return
> springs and manually actuated the e-brake levers until they where against
> the stops. At this point I could tell that they where somewhat closing but
> not enough to completely stop the rotors from spinning. My concern is
> whether the new calipers are bad or would a hydraulic issue cause this.
> E-brake levers seem to move very easily with little resistance. The brakes
> have been bled completely and seem to be acting fine. The brakes work and
> the pads seem to be right where they should be just barely touching the
> rotors when the brake is not applied.
> Any ideas? I do not want to replace the calipers again unless I have a
> pretty good idea that it is the problem. Not to mention I just spent a
> getting them painted before I installed them.
> Has anyone else used these rebuilt calipers from a local store and what is
> the failure rate of the e-brake on a freshly rebuilt set?
> Anyone with kids will understand the frustration of having the car up on
> Jack Stands for almost a week now since I only get about 20 minutes a night
> to work on this before I have to go back in and change a diaper, help with
> Math homework, or get my butt kicked in PS2 games by my son. Monday I had
> to stop because my 10 yr old daughter decided to play in the driveway with
> cleats on slipped landed on her head was temporarily knocked unconscious
> then got a trip to the ER with my wife for a CT scan. She is fine...just a
> really big bump
> It seems that every job I take on with my cars takes forever!! At least I
> always seem to complete it ...even the 1 month Passat ignition fiasco
> At this rate I will be ready to put it away for the winter by the time it
> passes inspection.
> Thanks for any help you can give
> Michael Leach
> MH-60R Integration and Test
> Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
> Owego, NY 13827
> 607-751-7542
> FAX 751-6198
> michael.leach@lmco.com <mailto:michael.leach@lmco.com>
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