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16v running problem

I have a 1.8 16v and its runs like crap. in the morning when I start it,
it won't idle to save its life. when I try to drive off it buggs down to
almost the point where it wants to cut off. I have a keep tapping on the
throttle while I release the gas to get it to move. the idle keeps going
up and down all the time. when it warms up to about 80 it starts to run
better. at 80 I don't have to tap on the throttle to get it to move from
a stop. I recently found out my 02 sensor isn't hooked up (the previous
owner cut the wires off the 02 sensor) but it wasn't doing it before. I
tested the coil and it passed one test and failed another. I recently
replaced my distributor cap and spark plugs and it still doing it. Can
someone give a some suggestions of what to look for? I want to get this
problem fixed before I go to megasquirt fuel management system.