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Help needed on electric issue (Light and wiper!)(WINK,WINK)

--- Rick Alexander <ralexander03@snet.net> wrote:
> I thought you would pick up on "You have never seen them on when cranking
> the engine have you?" You can't unless you are parked in front of a mirror.
> And sorry, can't marry you, your defective! Remember that third eye in the
> middle of your forehead? I know you can't see that either unless your parked
> in front of a mirror either.
> You may never get past posting that picture. BIG error!
> Rick Alexander

AFA seeing them on when cranking the engine...I park in front a garage door, so it'd be pretty
obvious...but then again I tend to start the car FIRST then put the lights on!  

And re: being defective, I'll never know, I don't have the guts to put this face in front of a
mirror very often.  Especially since I saw that pic of myself!

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