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OT: computer problem (Attn Andrew)

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I deleted your email but here's how to fix it. I think anyways. The problem is with winsock. Go to control panel, network (called network and dialup connections I think) and open that up. A box should open with your protocols (tcp/ip, stuff like that) and your adapters (name of your ethernet card). Delete everything in that box, then click close. When it asks to restart say no. Still in control panel, click system. Click on network adapters (should be a plus sign next to it) if it's there. If it is, delete the ethernet card adapter there. Either way, close it, don't restart when prompted. Now click the start button and go to run. Type in Regedit. This will open up your registry. Under Registry, click export and save to a floppy. Then under edit, click find and type in winsock. You're looking for any folder (they're on the left hand side) titled winsock or winsock2. Go through it all, deleting those folders as you find them. When you get to the end, close it and restart your computer. Make sure you have all disks pertaining to your ethernet card  (drivers). Everything should be okay after the card is reinstalled by windows.


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<P>I deleted your email but here's how to fix it. I think anyways. The problem is with winsock. Go to control panel, network (called network and dialup connections I think) and open that up. A box should open with your protocols (tcp/ip, stuff like that) and your adapters (name of your ethernet card). Delete everything in that box, then click close. When it asks to restart say no. Still in control panel, click system. Click on network adapters (should be a plus sign next to it) if it's there. If it is, delete the ethernet card adapter there. Either way, close it, don't restart when prompted. Now click the start button and go to run. Type in Regedit. This will open up your registry. Under Registry, click export and save to a floppy. Then under edit, click find and type in winsock. You're looking for any folder (they're on the left hand side) titled winsock or winsock2. Go through it all, deleting those folders as you find them. When you get to the end, close it and restart your computer. Make sure you have all disks pertaining to your ethernet card&nbsp; (drivers). Everything should be okay after the card is reinstalled by windows.</P>
<P>Dan</P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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