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[OT: 4 AM musings (Rocc related and LONG)]
Carrots was a $300 purchase, and looked rough enough to end up getting
towed to a wrecker, but it's hard to say.
My other 84, which has a very clean body, but a trashed interior, was a
$150 purchase (from a guy about 4 miles away in the middle of no-where - a
friend I went to school with called me up and said his tenant was moving
out and had a Scirocco that his son had left behind that needed to go, was
I interested?) This one would have ended up at the scrapyard for sure.
The last Roc (rough 86, parts only) would have ended up there as well. It
was running when I bought it - I saw it in a parking lot on campus and
left my card on the windshield with a "Call me if you want to sell your
car!" note on the back. The owner called that night, and within a week I
was towing the car home. It has no floor on the driver's side, and a fair
amount of surface rust on the upper panels - like I said, parts only.
But then, most of the other 20-odd cars about the place fit into the
"saved from the crusher" category - you get them cheap that way... :)
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Cathy Boyko wrote:
> PS Who would say that one of their cars was "saved from the wreckers" because
> of this group? I'm wondering how many there are. My headache may well have
> been sold early on without the support. It was a mechanical disaster zone.
> And you can't scare me, I'm not afraid.
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| 84 Wolfsburg Edition TurboDiesel Scirocco |
| http://scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca/gtd |