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Turns signals that don't blink / smoking wires

Daun Yeagley wrote:
> --- Andrew Basterfield <list@cemetery.homeunix.org> wrote:
> > I think you need a new flasher unit
> I wouldn't think that would be the case since the flashers
> work ok, just the turn signals don't.
> I would
> > probably get a new switch while you are buying the
> > flasher unit.
> Buying?  Riiiiight...   close as a walk to the barn.  '81
> Parts-rocco.  :)
> =====
> Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio

Like they said the flasher used by the Emergency Lights is the same
flasher-  the flash is partly determined by resistance. Check they
connections; fuse box, light sockets, etc., and replace the bulbs in
pairs to maintain the same resistive balance.  Chu got crispy wires
and stuff man.

btw- same goes (for a slightly different reason) with the brake light
switches.  For all you late model guys the early brake light switches
(there ae a pair) are bolted into the Master Cylinder itself ad work
off of the fluid pressure. 

You'll find if one switch burns out and you only replace the One, the
other old switch will soon follow, Seems to be a 'heat dividing'
circuit.  :])

Replace em 'bowff'.
