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digifiz thoughts
It's not the same... Different people have different preferences. Mine is
analog for main instrument in the cluster.
Combining replys...
Allyn I have done a lot of work personally on the MFA computer and have not
found a way to switch it easily from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Miles to
kilometers... but to be honest I have not really looked...
I'll look one over tonight and get back at ya... I assume that one module
was built for all markets and just configured differently... I think I
discovered how to switch from 12Hr to 24hr on the clock... same module
different config... Not tested yet.
At 09:03 PM 3/13/2003 -0500, Allyn wrote:
> > Second I said "I like analog needles." & "my speedo and tach must be
> > analog!!!" How do you accomplish this with a Digifiz? I'll answer for you,
> > you don't.
>doesnt the digifiz have a rapidly updating bar graph for the tach? i think
>it responds quicker than our 'analog' tachs. realize that our tachs are
>actually digital (pulse train from hall sender), it is converted from
>digital to analog and then drives the arm. in theory, the digifiz would have
>less overshoot as well.