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[RE: Ron is not happy.]

"ATS - Patrick Bureau" <txrocco@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
ask your wife for a good face cream with lots of vitamin e in it, I am su=
she can get you one that will help the scarring be to a minimum

ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net

Also aloe if you have one kicking around. This from the botanist...(serio=
I don't recall the name of the compound, it's not just an old wive's tale=
although I am an old wife)

Failing that, lie under the car and pour antifreeze on your face. (oh wai=
that was my "too stupid to live" trick)

BTW, did the doctor install the neck bolts while you were there? I'm
suspecting it was really a brain upgrade, and the previous version was a
already a damn good one. =

Feeling for ya, that must have bled a lot! Glad you missed out on the Dar=