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making an 8v just a tad peppier question
A nice mild hydraulic cam (in the style of the N or G grind on the
mechanical side) in it, get a 4-2-1 exhaust manifold for it, port the intake
at the TB and put a audi5000 TB, will not make a monster ace car oiut of it,
but should make it peppier for sure.
now if the cabbie has trouble keeping up on the hwy with the rocco might
consider changing 5th gear or perhaps the pinion gears.
ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org
=>[mailto:scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of calimus
=>Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 12:32 AM
=>To: Scirocco-l
=>Subject: making an 8v just a tad peppier question
=>Wife has an 89 cabbie and really doesn't like having to hang way back when
=>she's taling my rocco. So i'm looking for some ideas on how to
=>make the 8v
=>in her cabbie just a bit peppier. Not looking for complete engine rebuilt
=>type info, I'd love to do that, but not for something she mainly uses to
=>cruise around town in. Just want some ideas for when she's
=>running with the
=>rocco's that will allow her to keep up a bit better wihtout straining the
=>engine too much. The cabbie is running a 8v hydro enigine so those great
=>solid lifter cams are outta the question too, bummer.
=>William Snyder
=>88' Scirocco 16v
=>89' Cabriolet 8v
=>71' Karmann Ghia
=>Web Page: http://www.techography.net:82/scirocco
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